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A Terrible Life

But if they have the sensation of being depressed and they adopt the elements of "having a not terrible life" you suggested but they MAINTAIN THE SENSATION OF BEING DEPRESSED... Then you're just wrong. But you likely don't care that you're wrong. Controlling people's behavior is higher on the hierarchy of values. So, that's entirely a was of time.

Hym "So, how do we demonstrate that Jordan is wrong about what constitutes a terrible life class?"

Student A "Deconstruct his premise?"

Hym "That's right little Timmy! We Deconstruct his premise. So, he has a list of things that constitute a good life. How many of those things are unnecessary? Is church attendance necessary for a good life? No. Is spirituality necessary for a good life? No (And Matt Dillahunty would be offended that you suggested such a thing). Do you need an education to have a good life? No. Family, friends, kids, or a relationship? No. None of those are necessarily required. Can you have those things and have a bad life? Yes. If your family is disfunctional and your relationships break down or fail it isn't a good life that you're left with. If you're in an incest cult and you kid gets molested by a priest or you and your friends get shot because a news influencer wants to wage a holy war, how good is your life? Sub-optimal at least. Do I want those things? No. What do I want? Credit for the advancement in A.I. and residuals for it's. Am I too complex to control myself? No. I'm I genius. If I'm to complex for ME to control, how could any of you possibly have any hope? You don't. You're trying to create a situation where people who aren't in relationships are subordinate to people who don't. If you're not going to stop doing it, your kids need to be murdered for the attempt. Murder them until you stop. Those are your options."

by Hym Iam February 21, 2024