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To be utterly destroyed,massacred,headshotted from a major distance,exploded,have the abolish ritual done to you,get executed whilst ur on the ground,have your entire team taken out by one man, or other wise pwned greatly.

*also the only way for it to actually be classed as abolished, is that it has to be done by the abolisher, or else it is simply classed as pwned

n00b:Oh no! my whole team just got owned and the last guy got some ritual done to him while he was on the ground!
OurBigMac:Correction, your whole team was owned buy the abolisher and the last guy got the abolishing ritual done to him. so he got abolished.

by h4xxor 1337 January 31, 2007

26πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Abolish It

sound like "a ball of shit" when said fastly. try it.

Valentines days is stupid. Lets just abolish it!

by K. The Panda April 12, 2011


Abolisher is the ownage master of life,especially in gears of war,so if you feel like getting pwned and taken to school on the nub school bus, then look him up on x-box live.

n00b:Oh man, abolisher just owned our whole team!
OurBigMac:Correction you were just abolished*, and im proud to know him
Abolisher: OWNED! you were just abolished!*

by h4xxor 1337 January 31, 2007

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A thrash metal band originating from Ottawa, Ontario. Simply described as "fucking metal".

"Yo man, are you going to ARGYLE to watch Abolishment tear it up?"


by abolishment December 24, 2004

9πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A state of drunkenness of the highest upper echelon of inebriation. This pinnacle of intoxication can only be achieved by adhering to a rigorous training regimen. Alcohol of all types, and origins must be a normalcy in the daily drinking habits of one who is abolished.

That dude just puked up 38 ounces worth of sangria, 18 year old Irish whiskey, a rare chardonnay, a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon, a jigger of warm sake, and pomegranate margarita. That dude is freakin' abolished.

by LeDanny Vegas August 17, 2006

11πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Abolish the Police

The stupidest fucking idea that has ever come out of someone’s mouth

person 1: how can we ensure that police brutality is limited to a minimum and law enforcement can maintain trust between themselves and the community?

person 2: spend more time and money training officers so that they are more confident in their abilities and don’t default to deadly force as often

person 1: Great idea :)


persons 1&2: Shut up retard.

by Am Very Smart June 9, 2020

66πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

abolish slavery

(verb); to take a giant shit when you're at someone's place, and get kicked out of their house because it is so disgusting

"Oh crap, I need to abolish slavery. BRB"

"Mark was telling us about how he abolished slavery in Jamie's bathroom last night. It was so gross, she kicked him out."

by MMjr April 21, 2008

60πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž