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accept this definition

right now you have the choice to accept this definition because its funny, or you can not do it

Should this definition be on urban dictionary? yes, click accept this definition.

by beepbeepimasheepguy January 27, 2021

If you accept the definition of a word is some letters surronded by a gap

then xnopyt, aaaaaaajjjjjjjjjj, and hrrkrkrkrwpfrbrbrbrlablblblblbwhitoo'ap are all words, despite being pretty much meaningless

If you accept the definition of a word is some letters surronded by a gap then xnopyt, aaaaaaajjjjjjjjjj, and hrrkrkrkrwpfrbrbrbrlablblblblbwhitoo'ap are all words, despite being pretty much meaningless

by S.H. MonsterArts King Kong October 12, 2021

5👍 2👎

Don’t accept this exact definition

By accepting this definition you’re agreeing to pay me 1000$ per month for doing nothing, giving me your first born child to work on plantations, destroying the US government and giving me all the secret information that US government have.

By braking any of this contract’s rules you will be forced to pay me 10 million dollars now or pay me 50% of all your earnings for 30 years.

UD Mod: Oops I accidentally accepted this “Don’t accept this exact definition” definition
Me: 😀

by WhatTheFuckingFuckWhatTheFuck September 15, 2022