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Algebra II

A class that is useless and extremely difficult for those who are not math geniuses. It's only functions are to lower averages/GPAs and make students hate math more than they already do.

Student A: Hey man, what'd you get on your Algebra II Regents Exam?

Student B: Like a 45. I don't get any of that shit.

by PR92 April 7, 2011

136👍 14👎

Algebra II

A class that is a complete waste of time and effort and a reason to make you go home and cry to your mother. A class where you sit in a desk and wonder how in the world this has any real-life application. A WASTE OF TIME!!!

Solve for X.


x=no solution

me and every other high school student: "This is why Algebra II should go jump off a bridge."

by sldkfjlkd March 12, 2010

153👍 43👎

Algebra II

all algebra 2 is is coincidental stuff...there is really no application for any of it...all it is is some guy with no life thought 'if i add this number,multiply it with this one, square it blah blah...HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THIS NUMBER I GOT!' lmao

dumb kid "what is Algebra II?"
math dude"X+326*8^2...=784181 YAY"

by PUMAKING June 26, 2009

115👍 40👎

Algebra II

The worst class to ever exist. The most confusing class to ever exist.

Algebra II makes me want to toaster bath in the Hudson.

by fisgeon April 28, 2022