Source Code

All Call

Is when you yell out the names of all the people in the bar you've slept with just to see all of their eyes on you at once

I think there are 4 girls here I've slept with...better do an all call.

by LadyPain January 13, 2015

3👍 7👎

calling all cars

One of the oldest orders given from a policeman to summon all available units to investigate a crime or situation, particularly police cars.

"Calling all cars, calling all cars!"
-some cop in a lame-ass 40's movie or similar show

by Dave February 23, 2004

57👍 21👎

Calling all bros

We need you to make 10 Google users and sub to pewds with all of them to kull T series

Calling all bros

by FLIPPERN March 17, 2019