A brilliant South Korean show based of a webtoon of the same name, it centers around a group of surviving students trying to survive a zombie outbreak in their school, and as its name hints, not all of them will make it out alive and some may suffer gruesome deaths just to break you after you begin to care for them.
Friend: have you seen all of us are dead?
Friend 2: yeah, I just watched it after finishing squid game.
A nice, Korean drama, probably about a quiet schoolgirl’s high school life. It has two love interests and an annoying enemy and a brilliantly interesting plot. It’s also 18+ so I’ve never seen it lol
Friend 1: Hey Michael, you’ve seen All of Us are Dead? It’s number one on Netflix!
Friend 2: You’re darn right I did, Kira! It was so wholesome and it’s now one of my favorite shows. I’m going to recommend it to all of my family members.
8👍 4👎