A slang word for the Hungarian alphabet
Boy: Do you know the “alpha betűk”?
Girl: What’s that?
Boy: That’s the Hungarian alphabet!
Girl: Oh, yeah. And how did you make that word up?
Boy: I took the first five letters from “alphabet” and put the word “betűk”, which is the hungarian word for letters, right next to that.
Girl: Then let’s recite the Hungarian alphabet together: A Á B C CS D DZ DZS E É F G GY H I Í J K L LY M N NY O Ó Ö Ő P Q R S SZ T TY U Ú Ü Ű V W X Y Z ZS.
Boy: And if we’re looking at the Hungarian keyboard then all of these letters should be there, except for the diphthongs. You know, those letters that have two or three characters.
Girl: Yeah.
Boy (typing on computer keyboard): §0 '1 "2 +3 !4 %5 /6 =7 (8 )9 Öö Üü Óó Qq Ww Ee Rr Tt Zz Uu Ii Oo Pp Őő Úú Aa Ss Dd Ff Gg Hh Jj Kk Ll Éé Áá Űű Íí Yy Xx Cc Vv Bb Nn Mm ?, :. _-
Girl (looking at computer screen as boy types): Yep, they’re all there"