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alphabetic attributes

'Stats 'n' specs of various items, in A-Z order:
AAttributes: Da minutes of your last sobriety meeting.
BATtributes: Details of either (1) baseball-whacking devices or (2) winged cave-dwelling mammals (bonus fact --- they are **not** blind!)
CATtributes: Da specifics of what makes Garfield tick.
DATtributes: Da nitty-gritty about modern recording-cassettes.
EATtributes: How someone stuffs his face.
FATtributes: Similar to da previous definition, except dat it measures how obese said face-stuffer gets from his debauched gluttony.
GATTributes: Da specifics of da infamous "free 'n' fair worldwide commerce" resolution.
HATtributes: Da fussy details about your headwear.
JATtributes: Da unique culture of northeast-area inhabitants of India and Pakistan.
KATTributes: Da airing-schedule and programming-themes of da OKC-based FM radio station.
LATTributes: Da main plot of da famous "cute doggies nibbling da same strand of spaghetti" animated movie.
MATtributes: Da make/model, dimensions, color, texture, firmness, etc. of yer exercise-pad.

More examples of alphabetic attributes include:
NATtributes: What makes Nathan his own unique self.
OATtributes: Da quality and price of da grain dat you feed your hoofed-and-maned friend in da back yard.
PATtributes: Specifics of either (1) when/how ya administer soothing/affectionate "laying on of hands", or (2) what's special about your Irish guy/gal-pal.
QATtributes: Da appearance, growing-method, uses, etc. of da euphoria-producing flowering plant from Ethiopia.
RATtributes: How Mr. Mole's best friend lives and thinks.
SATtributes: Describes how students are forced to plant their butts for long periods to take a stupid end-of-term exam.
TATtributes: Da "getting even" specifics dat Madea describes to Dr. Phil during their infamous "getters gettin' got" dialogue.
VATtributes: Da dimensions, volume/capacity, etc. of large open-topped storage/processing tubs.

WATTributes: Describes da quality/quantity of da angry pixies supplied by da power company.
XATtributes: What a specific totem pole looks like, and da history behind it.
YATtributes: Da unique qualities of New Orleans accents.
ZATtributes: Za zhortcut of zaying, "Is that".

by QuacksO March 24, 2021

alphabetical attributes

BATtributes: Details of either a wooden baseball-whacker, or a flying cave-dweller.
CATtributes: Da specifics of Mr. Furry-Purry.
DATtributes: Da performance-specs of 21st-century audio-recording.
FATtributes: How overweight someone is, and whether it's due to overeating, junk food, or a medial condition.
GATTributes: Details of da infamous international-commerce accord which was much-frowned-upon by many countries.
HATtributes: Da appearance, fit, and quality of head-wear.
KATtributes: Da ingredients, size/weight, and texture/taste of da famous red-wrapped candy-bar.
LATTE-ributes: How good your cup of milky espresso was.
MATTE-ributes: Details of a non-glossy painting.

Other examples of alphabetical attributes are:
NATtributes: Da appearance and personality of Daniel McCormick's pint-sized side-kick in "Forever Young".
PATtributes: Da dimensions of a slab of butter, Trish's particular qualities, or da delightfulness-level of gentle palm-bounces on someone's shoulder or head.

RATtributes: Da anatomical details of everyone's least-favorite rodent.
SATtributes: How someone rests on his butt, or da perceived difficulty/fairness of school-exams.
TATtributes: How Madea defines her temper-management issues ("I'm not angry; I'm just gettin' da gotters!")
VATtributes: Details regarding a large laboratory-basin.
WATTributes: Da voltage and current of da "angry pixies" in an electrical circuit.

by QuacksO February 24, 2021