Source Code

alphabetical ordinance

boardinance: A building-code for wooden structures or wild pigs
boredinance: A rule about providing adequate interesting programs/activities for local youths
coordinance: Specifies how many cans of Goldens and Silver Bullets ya are allowed per day
cordinance: Da local custom regarding extra/unwanted string
coredinance: Dictates how ya hafta dispose of yer eaten apples and dead car-batteries
doordinance: What ya hafta obey regarding hinged entrance-ways

fordinance: Which and/or how many blue-oval-badged vehicles ya may own
fourdinance: An edict regarding a specific number of items, occasions, etc.
goredinance: Rule regarding how graphically-violent a movie or event can be
hoardinance: How many items ya may hold onto
lordinance: How much power you can have over others
loredinance: What types of historic tales are permitted
moordinance: What's allowed on broad grassy areas
moredinance: Da law controlling additional amounts

Additional examples of alphabetical ordinance include:
nordinance: Rule of neither
poordinance: Da permissible degree of indigence
poredinance: Rules regarding da tiny holes in yer skin
pourdinance: How ya hafta dispense liquids, powders, etc.
roardinance: How loudly ya may rev yer engine or perform yer lion-impersonations
soardinance: A rule regarding flight
soredinance: How temperish or achy/rashy ya can become before seeking treatment
toredinance: How dilapidated/damaged yer clothing can be when ya are out in public
tourdinance: Da law regarding guided entertainment/instructional strolls
whoredinance: How "loose" a person can be
woredinance: How new something has to be, or what clothing ya hafta put on
yoredinance: What antique items/activities ya may possess and/or partake of
yourdinance: A rule regarding second-person ownership

by QuacksO July 29, 2021