Source Code


american anime

E.G simpsons, Family guy, South Park, FUturama

by blake April 28, 2004

3👍 14👎


A turkish word which expresses a strong feeling of affection, admiration towards a specific person.

Invented by the partners in crime,
Kerem Bürsin x Hande Erçel. 👻🤘

1) Pissst...Çok mu güzelsin sen ya, çok mu güzelsin, AMANIM!

2) Amanim hiç yerinde durma sen de 👻🙈

3) AMANIM!!!!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥

by ela_cicekci.kiz March 26, 2021

254👍 1👎


A turkish word that expresses a strong feeling of wonder and admiration towards a specific person.

Invented by the partners in crime,
Kerem Bürsin x Hande Erçel 👻🤘🏼

1) Pissst...Çok mu güzelsin sen ya, çok mu güzelsin, AMANIM!

2) Amanim sen de hiç yerinde durma 👻🙈

3) AMANIM!!!!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥

by ela_cicekci.kiz March 26, 2021


A turkish word which expresses a strong feeling of wonder and admiration towards a specific person.

Invented by the partners in crime,

Kerem Bürsin x Hande Erçel. 🤘🏼👻

1) Pissst...Çok mu güzelsin sen, çok mu güzelsin sen, AMANIM!

2) Amanim sen de hiç yerinde durma..👻🙈


by ela_cicekci.kiz March 26, 2021

28👍 1👎