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Originally from the latin term "Deus" meaning God. the supreme or ultimate reality: as a: the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe.

A being believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship ; specifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality

Any "Ament" is ruler of all. He is God. He is powerful.

by noitseuq July 9, 2009

23👍 9👎

Jeff Ament

Sick bass player for pearl jam. one of the best in the world.

I wish i was as good as Jeff Ament

by PeArLjAm January 5, 2005

50👍 13👎

Amantes Amentes

Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes

Yo fuckin Amantes Amentes Amantes Amentes

by Amantes Amentes Amantes Amente May 24, 2018

1👍 5👎