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Amp Head

Someone who uses the group of drugs known as Amphetamines. Particularly, Methamphetamine.

Person 1 - Hey, look! It's that new guy everyone's been talking about! I heard some people caught him smoking meth around the corner of the school.

Person 2 - What an Amp Head...

by Roxus June 26, 2012

Amp Head

A Guitar Amp which only consists of the Preamplifier and Power Amplifier stages. Speakers are purchased in a separate unit called a Speaker Cabinet. Amp Heads, or "Heads" are usually less expensive than an equivalent Combo Amp, as they do not have speakers, but they are far more durable and flexible.

Check out this awesome Dual Rectifier Amp Head I got!

by Kurt_F July 16, 2008

12👍 16👎

amp head

Person who uses alot of LSD

Jimmy Hendrix

by AvrilXterm July 25, 2003

1👍 36👎