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Created by the Thomas Sanders Fandom

A ship between Logan (Logic) and Virgil (Anxiety)

Person 1: I ship Logicality because opposites attract!

Person 2: I ship analogical because it seems like a strong and long lasting relationship

by IHaveToShipIt August 14, 2018

28πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Analog and Digital are intertwined these days. Digital information is represented by series of electronic 1s and 0s, so that information is most current/modern but it is also unreal or fake. Analog information is represented in many waysβ€”sight, touch, taste, smell, sound, etc.β€”and is, thus, old fashioned but it is also more real/accurate. Current usage is that Digital is modern/better and Analog is older/slower/less desirable.

"You're going analog today, kids. Turn off the screens and take out some paper and pens," said the annoyed mother.

by GillianGillies July 27, 2014

71πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A way of representing information that uses a continuous range of values. Opposite of digital-- while a CD is digital, a tape is analog; while a computer is digital, an abacus is analog.

by LarstaiT November 7, 2003

122πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


n. a type of figurative language that states an example to allow a better insight and understanding of the whatever is trying to be explained. analogies are used to give better perspective to something, usually situations that are trying to be explained.

Person 1: I don't understand, how has this been so difficult for you?

Person 2: How so?

Person 1: To use an analogy, it's been an emotional roller coaster.

Person 2: What?

Person 1: Everything's been going up and down, with unexpected turns, like a rollercoaster!

Person 2: Oh, now I see. I'm very sorry.

by lovingdancer June 7, 2010

63πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


It's like a thought with another thought's hat on.

"Someone please tell her what an analogy is."
"I know what it is, it's like a thought with another thought's hat on.

by ozgin January 3, 2015

46πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


What people who use Electronic Cigarettes call a regular tobacco cigarette.

I could never go back to an analog, I love my e-cig too much.

by PuterGeek November 23, 2010

51πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Expert maker of analogies.

The analogical fellow said that looking into my eyes was like watching a mother bear under a waterfall.

by RhondaQ March 12, 2011