a moment of self righteousness and slight arrogance when an individual says something supposedly profound and looks around at others for approval or agreement
Rue: I can’t get clean, I can’t do that shit forever.
Cassie: You don’t have to. Just…take it one day at a time 🌝🍄💞☺️😇✨(looks around at everyone else with a stupid smile on her face).
Rue, remembering Cassie’s hypocrisy: Hey, Cass?
Cassie: Yeah?
Rue: I have a quick question for you.
Cassie: What?
Rue: How long have you been fucking Nate Jacobs?
Cassie: nErVoUsLy LaUgHs & KnOwS dOoM iS oN tHe HoRiZoN
Everyone else: 🤔🤭🤐🤯😡😳🤬
Cassie had real “and everybody clapped” energy when she said that.
a moment of self righteousness and slight arrogance when an individual says something supposedly profound and looks around at others for approval or agreement, when they really sound corny; used as a noun & usually self serving but can also be interpreted as such from a completely unintentionally arrogant statement
Rue: I can’t get clean. I can’t do that shit forever.
Cassie: You don’t have to. Just…take it one day at a time 🌝🍄💞☺️😇✨(looks around at everyone else with a stupid smile on her face).
Rue, remembering Cassie’s hypocrisy: Hey, Cass?
Cassie: Yeah?
Rue: I have a quick question for you.
Cassie: What?
Rue: How long have you been fucking Nate Jacobs?
Cassie: nErVoUsLy LaUgHs & KnOwS dOoM iS oN tHe HoRiZoN
Everyone else: 🤔🤭🤐🤯😡😳🤬
Cassie had real “and everybody clapped” energy when she said that.
Synonym for “I call bullshit”, used specifically against anecdotes you think are fabrications. Originated from a cliche when telling such stories on the internet, where the ending is usually along the lines of “Karen got arrested and everybody clapped”.
Bob: And then, the annoying customer was arrested and his kids were taught a lesson-
David: (Interrupting) And everybody clapped, right?