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Anime Freak

(n.) A person who loves anime, manga and is even willing to cosplay for a convention as their favorite character, often fan girls/ fan boys about characters. Nice ppl, but a little crazy at times, tend to get wrapped up in storylines.

I am an anime freak, I cried while reading a manga (a comic book)just cuz i lvoe one of the characters

by Malrus-A-GoGo May 30, 2006

577๐Ÿ‘ 260๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anime Freak

a male of female who loves anime/manga

He/She is not necessarily a social out cast
He/She is very Hyper active and very outgoing

He/She usually has a dentency to talk way to much about anime/manga
an anime freak may or maynot have an anime crush

can be very annoying and childish at times.
would never care about what other people say.

girl: Who?
anime freak: kyaaaa!!!!

boy: dude thats just gay
anime freak: anime is not gay!

boy: what ever you say
anime freak: *continues to watch anime*

by Milk666 February 22, 2010

111๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anime Freak

I'm seeing a lot of bad definitions here, so I figured I'd right my own ^^

Anime 'Freaks' aren't really freaks. We like Anime, okay, but there's nothing wrong with that. I love Anime and Manga, and I do think that *some* Anime characters are better looking than real life people. But, seriously, compare some Anime characters to the lads you find where I live. Yeah, I'm not that freaky anymore, now am I? ^^

I am pretty hyper, but most of my friends who watch Anime aren't. I have ADD, so that's why I'm hyper lol. I'm not obsessed with everything Japanese, I just love Anime. And I would also love to learn the language... It kicks Irish's ass anyway... >.<

Most of us aren't fan-girls/boys. Well...I'm not. I don't get crazy stalker obsessed over Anime characters, I just like them. I don't get wrapped up in the story lines, Hell, I don't read most Mangas (cuz some of them are boring ^^)

And I don't watch Hentai. I didn't even know what it was until recently. So shut up.

Sayonara, mina-san~! Yeah, I just Japanese'd your ass. BITCH! :)

I love Anime, but I'm not an Anime Freak.

My fave Animes are Yu-Gi-Oh and Tokyo Mew Mew, and my fave Mangas are Yu-Gi-Oh and Vampire Knight. ^^

by LilMissMyrnin January 31, 2011

115๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anime Freak

Anime Freak; Noun

Person interested or obsessed with anime and sometimes manga too.(not all people who like anime appreciate manga) Can be male or female. Some are unattractive as people have stated, others can be very beautiful. If you've ever been to or seen pictures/video footage you would find there are some very beautiful women who appreciate anime and/or manga, and usually look even better in cosplay. :) attractive guys too, but as I'm a guy and straight I'd prefer to talk about the girls. ;)

Most will call their friends who also like the stuff by their 'anime name' or use a honorific after their name, but with their other friends they'll talk normally as not to confuse them. AS for people saying they don't have regular friends, that's just usually teen angst lashing out. As for age groups, people from childhood to senior citizen like anime/manga for it has no age group. However some shows/books are written for a certain demographic via age, sex, and class(business-man etc.). Though, this is not a restriction on anyone to refrain from watching or reading them. Some also write fanfic, and some authors choose to end their stories the way they do for the soul purpose that people do.

anime freak 1: I just love how toonami and adult swim play some of my favorite mangs/animes! <3 It makes it easier then finding them on the net or buying them.

Anime freak 2: I know, I just wish they'd replay some of the other series' more over the other ones they always rerun. :(

Anime freak 1: I know but it's good news for people who just find out toonami's back on the air. :)

Anime freak 2: Yeah, you're right about that. I think for the convention next week I'm gonna dress up as Himura-kun, you?

Anime freak 1: Yoko Karama-san for me!:)))

by Hitokiri Gwagg February 5, 2013

17๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anime Freak

The anime freak is socially rejected in every culture. Yes, even by the Japanese. They are forced into their small, decreasing social group where they can talk to each other at freakish conventions or via anime message boards.

see: Jacobv.no-ip.com

Guy: First off your a guy. Second anime characters are shallow reflections of their creators homosexual minds. Third, you stole your parents credit card to buy hentai.
Guy: Exactly you weak minded nerd.

by FakeName April 25, 2005

197๐Ÿ‘ 318๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anime Freak

Anime Freak is both:
-a website
-a fan of anime.
a lot of people say that fans of anime or manga are well....freaks....and yes, some of them are, once i saw this comment on a anime video and it was some really, really, really sad person arguing with someone (getting really aggressive) because someone claimed a character they are "going out with".
its really sad and embaressing for the rest of us who find anime interesting and arent obsessed with japan or manga(which i never read because i hate reading that sort of thing) and because of that crazy obessed stalker, everyone else is labelled.
a lot of my friends who do watch anime -including myself- only watch it because they remember it from their childhood (e.g. naruto which was played on cartoon network)
not all fans of anime are obsessive freaks...

friend: do you remember watching naruto when you were a kid?
friend 2: yeah, it used to be so cool:)
friend: anyway, wanna go to a party?
friend 2: sure thing

friend: OMGZ did you watch (anime name) last night?! (main character) was so hot!! if only he'd come to my house :33
friend 2: KAWAII! except you cant have him, he's MINE ^w^ he totally proposed to me and said he didnt love you or (leading female character) <3
friend: no way would that happen :@ i'll kill you with (powerful anime weapon)
friend 2: as if you'd do that :'( sometimes i think you're just like (evil anime person)
friend: :O:O:O

by pinapple11 March 6, 2011

30๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Anime Freak

Someone who likes Anime.

Someone who likes Artwork.

Someone who likes Sonic the Hedgehog.

Someone pretty nice and not lazy at all.

Anime Freak:Eagles have tails? o_o

Shade Vortex:Oh... its a eagle, XD! No, they don't.

by Shade Vortex February 25, 2005

123๐Ÿ‘ 196๐Ÿ‘Ž