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anything else

Whenever you have just been scarred by this website and you don't know what to search to get away from it

im looking for anything else to get me away form this definition

by teaspoon007 November 22, 2017

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Anything else?

The exact same to the words β€œOk and?”. It signifies you have completely lost interest in the topic and/or want to shut someone else up, etc.

Guy 1: β€œI had such a hard time doing my homework”
Guy 2: β€œNot as hard as I did your mom”
Guy 1: β€œAnything else?”

by A random pseudonym January 4, 2022

Literally anything else

When you're watching porn or something else you dont want people seeing, and you hear someone coming, so you need to Google literally anything else, but you panic and can't think of anything, so you actually Google "Literally anything else"

My dad was really confused on why I had Google'd "Literally anything else, but after a minute he said goodnight and went to bed. So I went back to watching porn.

by B-Money Baby April 17, 2019

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Anything Else Podcast

A podcast hosted by dancantstream/Dan, and co-hosted by streamer Destiny, the podcast is simply two good friends talking about current events in politics, philosophy, and various random topics. The two typically will make humorous jabs at each other as well as friendly insults that can sometimes be very edgy which makes the podcast entertaining to any viewer that is knowledgeable of Destiny and Dan's relationship.

It's called the "Anything Else Podcast" because of a phrase commonly used by Destiny when conversing with somebody when the conversation seems to have dried up to offer the person to change the topic or to end the conversation there.

by ItzSpark July 3, 2024