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AOW (All Out War) is a dwindling Proboard forum which displays the prime examples of failed role playing. It is a free form 'chat play' at best, being mostly composed of auto hitting, god modding, poor moderation, power playing, trolling, flaming, vulgarity and incessant bitching.

Opinions of AOW as a role play forum:

"Condemned to suffer? I'm suffering alright, suffering from emotional preteens blogging out of their asses."
"Wow. Just wow."
"What the hell is this crap?"
"Good god. Let me guess: it's another star wars plot ripoff."
"Nothing like watching kids play King of the Hill with a shit pile."
"I see no worthwhile role plays here. I see nothing, for that matter."

by Leddersledd66 April 21, 2009

203๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


All Out War. It originated on Neopets on the Evil Things And Monster Sightings, and has a proboards site as well. When WPP (Wolf Paws Pack), Blood Bars, and all other clans ended, AOW continued to hold strong. It's main purpose is roleplaying, although it is also a place for chatting, showing off artwork, and just hanging out with the people AOWers meet (or not) online.

"Hey Silver, can you create the new AOW board?"

"All Out War owns WPP's face."

by Slaer Akuyume, Proud AOWer August 23, 2006

61๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


All Out War. A place on many websites were friends and strangers go to chat, fight, and role play.

Fighting on AOW:

1st person: *grabs ....'s wrist and yanks him into me* *brings fist into his nose breaking it*

2nd person: *catches ....'s wrist and twists it snapping it* *slams heel into ...'s knee shattering it*

by Dark Raven___ntk___ November 26, 2006

38๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place in a chat board created by a group of friends about fighting chatting or just hanging out with semi roleplaying
AOW means all out war and is located on several sites including gaia and neopets

noob: what is aow stand for?

aowers: apples oranges and watermellons- go to the urban dictionary!

by aower July 13, 2006

21๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A place that is beginning to be overrun by n00bs

"Who's the new kid on AOW?" asked an AOWer.
"Omg hi wat dis aow mean" ____ says.

by Jubilant March 25, 2008

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A world were it is controlled by the lovley and talented, sexy and perverted, all-knowing and best-person-alive, Manga. She is the queen of AOW (All Out War) and tells people what to do. If they do not listen to Queen Manga, they get tortured untill they die.

Manga has power over all of the AOW members. BUT for the following people that she loves, and lets them also control the world of AOW:

Zakdagger, Rokan, Thriller, Paige(Only sometimes), Roran...

These four people, and sometimes five, depending on if Paige and Manga are friends, as they are always fighting, have control over all the members of AOW. All Out War is controlled by them.

Silver: -Walks around-
Roran: Did I tell you, you can walk?
Silver: No, I'm sorry!
Roran: -Grabs Silver and throws her in a dungeon were she will be tortured and raped for as long as I would like-

Fullmetal: -Makes out with random girls online-
Thriller: Didn't I say you can only make out with boys?
Fullmetal: I'm sorry but these girls are sexy. No they're not, but they are the only girls that wanted me.
Thriller: -Throws Fullmetal in the dungeon were men will rape him for as long as I would like-

Zakdagger: -Is all sexy and british-
Manga: ILU
Zakdagger: ILU2. Let's go make AOW members go do things for us.
Manga: K.
Slaer: -Walks around-
Zakdagger: Hey you, go drown your self.
Manga: Yes because you are stalking me you crazy lesbian.
Slaer: -Jumps into lake and drowns self-

Rokan: -Being all cool and Canadian-
Blaize: -Being all cool and weird-
Rokan: You are going to eat all the leaves on the that tree. -Points at a tree-
Blaize: What? Why would I do that?
Rokan: Because If you do not, I will send you to the dungeons and you shall be raped with a hammer.
Blaize: -Walks to tree and eats leaves-

Paige: -Being all cool and Canadian-
Jon: -Being all stupid and dating a slut-
Paige: -Just stands there-
Manga: -Kills Jons girlfriend and sends Jon to the dungeons were he will be raped by large and EXTREMLEY thick cocks that is ripping open Jons asshole as it rapes Jon because the cock is so huge-


by Manga4774 July 21, 2007

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An acronym for All Out War, which began in Neopets and transferred to the Proboards.
Nowadays, however, it seems that there are not many who choose to take action.
The once bright days of role-playing and fighting have been replaced by a dark cloud covering of pointless arguments, people who fight unreasonably, and those who do not wish to accept the truth about what has occurred Those that do are shunned by the rest.

"I have a complaint.
All this 'My friend just died' stuff is getting to me."

"BAHAHA!!! My god... when I'm ranting- I'm ranting about the state of AOW, you best believe that we are going down the drain. Actually no, that metaphor isn't useful at this point. We went down the drain. We passed it up, and are now floating in the sewers with all the other collective crap that's ended up down there."

"Should AoW fall from being such a corrupt and moronic place now? A place that has officially gone down?

Hell i am for it."

by ASSTBG December 28, 2009

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