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Armchair Policeman


What a person becomes when, upon receiving word of a police incident from the internet, the news, or word of mouth, one gives advice on how the police should have "properly" handled the situation in line with police protocol, the law, etc.

Usually, this occurs when the police have been accused of wrongdoing or, even more commonly, when the police have been accused of no wrongdoing yet the receiving party believes they are almost entirely at fault.

Common occurrences include drug busts, traffic stops, and police shootings.

Theodore: I can't believe the police shot him, he only had a knife on him. Since when do you need to shoot someone with a knife? They should have used their taser or pepper spray, it's not even legal to use deadly force in a situation like that.

Bill: Man, Ted, you are being quite the armchair policeman right now.

Theodore: It's Theodore.

Bill: Whatever, dude.

by unfromcool April 16, 2014

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