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Asian Nigga

Asian Nigga:
1. is a slang term for African Americans who are really smart
2. A person who is part Asian part African

"Did you hear that black guy who made it into Harvard?"
"That's an Asian Nigga"

by College Boi June 8, 2019

44👍 8👎

asian nigga

an asian dat sometimes can say the word nigga and dresses cool lie a normal black person would.

if u see a asian nigga dont reject him its yo brotha and also dont jump him if he says da Nword

by johnnhhnr May 7, 2006

278👍 129👎


Asians with dark complexion (brown - black). Typically from south-east Asian countries like India, Pakistan, et cetera

Asian-Niggas are a thing too.

by Melvinfused December 31, 2022

5👍 1👎