Someone uses this phrase while asking a question. They claim to be asking for a friend, when they are in fact asking for themselves.
"Are narwhals real? Asking for a friend."
627👍 25👎
something you say when you ask someone something weird but don’t want it to seem like you’re actually asking it
person a: "if a human and a dog conceived, would the female get pregnant and give birth to a humandog? asking for a friend."
person b: wtf
57👍 4👎
Used when someone knows the questioning is stupid or embarrassing and doesn't want to take the blame for asking such a question. Everyone knows they're really asking for themselves, but they pretend their conscience is clear.
What sex position do dolphins like best? Asking for a friend?
176👍 21👎
Usually people will say this when they’re asking for themselves but to embarrassed. Some people are actually asking for a friend when they say this but people still assume they’re talking about themselves.
Jennifer: is your cousin single? Asking for a friend.
Todd: do you like him?
Jennifer: no, I’m actually asking for a friend. I’m not gonna say who though.
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A lie told on the internet in a futile attempt to lessen embarrassment after asking an embarrassing question.
"Is it weird to find anthropomorphic foxes sexy? I'm asking for a friend."
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Ask your best friend that you have a crush out day!
You: “hey how you doing” keep it simple like friend related then wait for them to respond them:“hey,I’m doing good how about you”you: “I’m doing good can I tell you something? Them: “yes what is it?” You: do I have this crush but don’t know how to tell him/her” them: “just tell him/her that you like them” you: ok then I like you and I have feelings for you!” It’s national ask your best friend out day!!
8👍 7👎
November 12
Just asked her put already u pussy
It's November 12th it's national Ask out your girl best friend day
8👍 7👎