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A contempt “human” who goes around doing cruel and intentional shit simply to piss other people off. These individuals get off on this and are obviously deeply insecure and have nothing better to do.. It’s all fun and games, until the Asshole says the wrong thing to the wrong person.

-“That Asshole was making fun of that bloke in the wheelchair who had no legs..”

-“Yeah, did you see Barry kick his head off his shoulders after?”

by Lucifer is my bitch December 2, 2021

942👍 43👎


A person who is intentionally cruel, obnoxious and heartless. Assholes are most often male. A female who follows these traits is referred to as a bitch. Assholes can take any form. Knowing this allows you to spot assholes at any time or place.

Be warned that an asshole is not synonymous for douchebag. A genuine asshole is the lethal combination of intelligence and arrogance. Assholes will attempt to humiliate you, and unfortunately, they generally succeed due to their intelligence. Douchebags, on the other hand, consist of only arrogance. They only think they are smart. Douchebags do not know they are douchebags because of their extreme egotistic tendencies. However, the asshole will always know they are an asshole.

Though the appearance of assholes does not follow a stereotype, behavior does. Assholes tend to:
-Smirk. A lot.
-Argue for the sake of arguing.
-Laugh when they win an argument.
-Never let you hear the end of the argument they won.
-Participate in arguments they know they are not going to win.
-Not stop arguing until you give up because there's no point in arguing anymore even though you know you won.
-Associate your giving up with their victory.
-Point out every flaw your argument has, regardless of the subject. All the asshole cares about is making people look stupid.
-Physically push you around to get under your skin.
-Ambiguously answer your questions.
-Deny that they are assholes out loud.

"Wow. Max just argued unintelligently with me for an hour and a half and he thinks he won."
"Jeez, what an asshole."

by darthdragongirl May 4, 2013

1052👍 96👎


Somebody who is rude and arrogant for absolutely no reason.

A sociopath who wasn’t raised properly

Person 1: *throws shoe at Mary*

Mary: WTF?!?! Asshole!

by ILoveRaspberries December 1, 2021

115👍 11👎


An asshole is a person who doesn't treat people with respect.

There is nothing good about such a person.

Sean, the asshole, gave shit to the people around him.

"I'm surrounded by assholes!"

by Treat people with respect! August 31, 2011

1084👍 237👎


1.When someone does something to purposely piss you off
2.Someone who messes up what you have planned for either no reason or to get back at you

1.You drank the last pepsi you asshole
2.You got drunk and ruined the evening you asshole

by Jerrell butler February 17, 2009

76👍 20👎


1. A card game for adolescents or young adults.
2. A prick/rude son-of-a-bitch who treats EVERYONE like they are beneath them. Doesn't care if he hurts someone's feelings.
3. Somebody from L.A., New York City, Detroit, France, Fort Wayne, Indiana; also any people who go to Harvard, Rednecks from the South, and a few bastards from Canada.
4. One cavity that many drug traffickers hide their shipment in.
5. What you are if you constantly cheat on your wife and beat your kids.
6. What to use when removing waste from the body; see shit or feces
7. Can be used as a means of entertaining people in various places.

Everyone I ever knew from Fort Wayne was a rude asshole. They always treated me like dirt for doing NOTHING to them. I hate those son of a bitch rat bastards.

by Ryan September 17, 2004

170👍 55👎


One that refuses to accept the world around them.

From 'Thinner' By Stephen King
(writting as Richard Bachman)

Politicians are such assholes.

by Scruffy April 5, 2005

253👍 93👎