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Ass explosion

When your ass literally blows up in a fiery ball of shit, flames, and intestines.

Jessica: Was that a bomb?
Chris: No. I had a bit of an ass explosion. I hate when my ass fucking explodes!!

by NaziFucker June 4, 2019

ass explosion

The results of eating at a cafeteria in any of the SUNY schools. Explosive Diarhea.

"God, I only hade enough time to get back to my room before I had to let my ass explode."

by Nickaliss March 29, 2004

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ass explosion

There are 10 things that can cause an ass explosion:

1. Laxatives
2. Food allergies/intolerances
3. Medication side effects
4. Oily/greasy food
5. Eating too much plant fiber
6. Infectious diseases/food poisoning
7. Exposure to certain toxins
8. Chronic gastrointestinal conditions (IBS for example)
9. An imbalance of gut bacteria
10. Over-eating
11. Hormonal fluctuations (females)

Generally, you can tell if an ass explosion is going to happen, symptoms include:

Gurgling in the lower abdomen
Pressure behind the asshole that feels like something solid is trying to get out
Slight abdominal cramping

Shit, I ate too much. I'm gonna have an ass explosion on the toilet later. Gross!

by Vampira Andres May 29, 2023

Lava ass explosion

When you immediately sit down on the toilet and your ass explodes like a volcano.

After eating Taco Bell I barely made it to the bathroom with a severe case of lava ass explosion.

by Joey Norris January 4, 2019

Guy Fieri's Giant Ass Explosion Dramatica

The brutalist, most ear piercing, intense music you will ever hear in your entire life.

Guy 1-Yo i cant wait for Guy Fieri's Giant Ass Explosion Dramatica' new album "duct taped to a moose('s cock)!!
Guy 2-I know i cant wait to hear such classic songs as barftrails, and cellino and barnes.

by gfgaed February 15, 2009

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explosive ass

A penitant convict on death row found religion and repented his crime. From then on, he stuck a pin in his ass everytime he sinned through thought, word or deed. When executed on the electric chair, the amount of metal embedded in him made his ass explode in a huge mushroom cloud of blood and shit.

"My goodness, that mans ass exploded."

by Tsing Shi Tao May 16, 2004

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Explosive Ass Syndrome

Excess expulsions from the anus, whether it be too much gastric explosions (gas), or excessive diarrhea...which can be caused by the consumption of chineese take out (a.k.a. cat/msg), or spicy food (i.e. thai).

I was sitting on the toilet, and boy did I ever have explosive ass syndrome! I was wish my ass was inactive like a dormant geyser.

by Rottin' Ronny July 30, 2006

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