1. To scoot ones ass across a surface.
2. The action of a dog scooting its derrier across the floor, potentially leaving a foul smell and sometimes a trace of god only knows.
3. A device used to clean your big Aunt Pearl.
4. An excessively hairy ass that could be re-named Bob Marley
1,2. That dog just ass-mopped my carpet!
3. Go and ass-mop your Aunt Pearl, Jimmy!
4. SUSIE: "So how was last night with that frat hottie?"
DAISY SUE: "Well, I woke up, turned my head and saw the biggest ass-mop of my life!"
SUSIE: "You shoulda busted out those scissors Daisy Sue!"
One who's extremely annoying and has no social life whatsoever. One who's extremely irritating and talentless and has a reputation for being a thot.
Felicia: Why you gotta be such a bitch sometimes?
Felicity: Why you gotta be a milleniul ass mop?