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Attitude Era

The period in WWE (then WWF) that lots of things happens during the late 1990s. For an Example: Austin/McMahon fued, Monday Night Wars ratings battle between Raw and Nitro, you name it.

Don't you just love the Attitude Era?

by TravisRashawn October 10, 2006

238👍 103👎

Attitude Era

The period in the WWE (back then WWF) that took place between 1997 to 2003. A so-called Attitude Era that made WWE what it is today.

You can argue a lot about the bloodshed, graphic violence, profanity, 18+, nudity, sexual theme or content, hardcore wrestling, some of the best matches in the WWE history came through this period of time, this period of time that witnessed the evolution of Rocky Maivia to The Rock aka Dwayne Johnson...witnessed the birth of a loudmouth trash-talking legend Stone Cold Steve Austin who became the face of the company...and let's not forget, birth of the evil boss Mr McMahon. We have seen the best tag-team division The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz , Edge n Christian, APA & New Age Outlaw.

This era built the road to success for so called World Wrestling Entartainment/Federation and this is the best goddamn Era every older fans love, including me. Attitude Era will always remain in the heart of wrestling fans and the stars that emerged during this era, the legends, the future hall of famers will always be remembered as the true entertainer and a wrestler unlike today's era .....who can forget the first time Stone Cold stunned Vince? or a birth of Austin 3:16? or Rock throws Austin off the bridge? or inferno match between Kane and Undertaker? Ahh lot of memories.

I just felt that fans of today shouldn't forget this era's contribution in the development and in the legacy of WWE........So far away it seems to be now, it's past but a sweet past.

We went from Hulkamania Era to Attitude Era and now we have PG Era featuring John Cena & Randy Orton. Booooooooooooooooooo!

by Dosso90 January 6, 2012

77👍 92👎