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Aura farm

To try and look tough even when there's no obligation to

Did you see how that guy walked down the hall? There's no way he wasn't tryna aura farm.

by That's not very paragon! February 20, 2025

6👍 3👎

Aura Farming

Doing random acts for the sake of gaining aura. For example, Duke Dennis shaking skittles like dice before eating them. Another example is an unpopular girl purposefully taking photos with popular girls to boost her aura.

John: (to a fine ass girl) Lets get a picture together
Girl: I have too much aura for that
Mitch: stop aura farming John

by Beans chungus September 20, 2024

123👍 18👎

Aura Farming

AURA FARMING, the Act of going somewhere to 'post up' to gain Aura.

Example: Going to a popular place in a good outfit and looking good to gain attention to yourself just from doing


Aura Farming
EX1: "Yo do you wanna go aura farm at the pool, heard there were hella girls there"

EX2: "Yo come with me to grab my food, and also so we can aura farm.":

by Thalassa Shirley February 6, 2025

14👍 4👎