Source Code


u didnt search for it,u just got redirected to it

because u were on a author page and by going back,the urban dictionnary glitched out his brain

maybe author.php will be the word of the day

by P0pbob April 20, 2021


test asdsd asdasd jAvAsCrIpT://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=%3C/b%3E%0a%0dtest%3b%2f%2f//google.com

asasd asdsd test jAvAsCrIpT://www.urbandictionary.com/author.php?author=%3C/b%3E%0a%0dtest%3b%2f%2f//google.com

by <script\x20type="text/javascri January 11, 2018

78👍 31👎