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Pretending to be autistic.

Please be patient I have autims.

by flat_knife August 2, 2018

2👍 1👎


A mental condition similar autism just much, much more autistic. It typically effects children with green spots on their face. Effects of autim are not entirely clear but it has been reported that the subject shows incredibly aggressive and angry behaviour and in some cases changes species and become a turkey.

'That guy said he was gonna rip off my scalp, I think he's got autim.'

by BloodyAlvayyy March 8, 2018

3👍 2👎


Seeking attention by pretending to have autism.

I hab autims, please gib me special attention.

by bop™ August 2, 2018

3👍 2👎


An extremely socially awkward and short-tempered autistic child that has random bursts of rage in which he transforms into a turkey for a short period of time.

'Haha he can't recite the alphapet he must have autim like Tom'

by BloodyAlvayyy March 7, 2018


You probably misspelled autism or autumn.

Autim means super cool person who gets confused alot.

“Oh jays pretty autim

by Highsins November 19, 2022