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autist retard

A term that is used to define only the most obstinate and pigeonheaded people- this should only be used on the internet in a memeish fashion due to the lack of evidence suggesting the existence of real "autist retards."

"Martin Shrekli really educated those autist retards."

by Lifesgambit January 5, 2017

7👍 13👎


An overused insult, often used by some twat on the internet (mostly americans). It's pretty cringe to do so unironically.

Ironic use for comedic effect is ok however, because people who get upset over words over context are fucking pathetic.

Example 1: "And you actually believe that? You're a fucking Autist/Retard!"

Example 2: "Hey, Bro. *Chuckles* Do you see that kid with the Fedora over there?"

"Yea, what about them?"

"He's an autist..."

"How do you know?"

"Have you seen most of the other from my school for kids with autism? They all were Fedoras!"


by CaptainASD March 30, 2021

3👍 7👎

Gay Autistic Retard

The average twitter user

Oh, they Gay Autistic Retard got banned from twitter.”

by MyNameIsntJesse February 2, 2022

15👍 5👎

Autistic retard

Segmentation fault (that smart guy)

You really are a fucking autistic retard

by I hammered your dad 12 times December 11, 2024

Autistic Fucking Retard

An individual who plays the autistic card while they themselves, are not autistic at all, but use it to their advantage to attempt to divert things such as prosecutions by the court. These individuals also parade under the disguise of

"independent media" to harass those who don't agree with their antics.

DonTard just cannot abide by his probation order conditions and then goes onto his News Now Canada Independent Media account and breaches them even more, his grandma, Alma Jean Robinson would be so disappointed that her grandson became such an autistic fucking retard.

by Dontard Hater October 24, 2023

2👍 2👎