Most degrading and lowering social zone in the hierarchy.
You are invisible, ignored.
There are two types of that zone, but those can be intergrated.
Both are caused by being perceived different, unusual, exceptional,
strange or eccentric by surrounding people.
The two types are the active and the passive
The active type
Seems to be the hardest, but not. People tell you that you're odd, unliked.
They tell you they don't want to be with you, they don't wont to acknowledge
that you're existing. But they interact with you.
The passive type
The hardest. People don't care so much they don't even tell you that you
are unliked. The just ignore you, unnotice you because they don't value you.
You're not exist. You actually are, but they don't care.
i'm being ignored. people that I know are disclaiming
., the fact that I am existing , they absolutely don't like me
.Trapped in the awareness zone, again