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Awkward Awkward

Interjection. Used when confronted with an awkward situation and one awkward does not suffice.

Ben: Do you have a crush on John?
Audrey: Awkward awkward...

by awkwardawkward October 31, 2011

13👍 1👎

Awkward Turtle Equals Awkward Babies!

When you get a bit sick of the boring old 'Awkward Turtle'

Used by putting one hand on top of each other and gesturing the thumbs forward (signifying the awkward turtle.) Then take your two hands into fists and bang them together (the erm, baby making) and finally keep your hands in fists but take your thumb and pinky out and move forward (signifying the babies.)

Put it together fast and you get it! :D

Boy: Hey, erm I like you.
Girl: I er, like you too.
*Laughs awkwardly*
Boy: Awkward turtle...!
Girl: Awkward turtle equals awkward babies!

by gilliaanx August 4, 2011

6👍 4👎