Source Code

Awkward Babies

A hand gesture meant to be a rebuttal for the awkward turtle, usually accompanied by a verbal explanation.

It is formed by:

1. making the awkward turtle with your hands
2. seperating the hands so that they sit next to each other
3. balling both hands into fists and bumping them together twice
4. sticking out both pinkies and thumbs and rotating them forward

Guy: Hey, what's up?

Girl: I'm on my period...

Guy: *Awkward Turtle*

Girl: Awkward Turtle makes Awkward Babies *Awkward Babies*

by The Human Dictionary August 3, 2009

6👍 3👎

awkward baby

In an awkward situation, when one person makes an awkward vagina, and another makes an awkward penis, an awkward baby is formed.

- a bunch of guys hanging out-
Timmy: And then, my girlfriend walked in on me while I was singing Dolly Parton's greatest hits!
Ted: -awkward penis-
Jim: -awkward vagina-

by sirpoopsalot7113 August 18, 2011

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Awkward Baby Turtle

This is derived from the original "Awkward Turtle". This is a hand gesture performed in the occurence of an awkward moment, usually defined by a long silence. In this particulare motion, the hands are placed on top of each other (as in "Awkward Turtle") and the thumbs are pointed outward and circling forward. Next, to create the "baby turtles", the hands are pounded together and separated and then shaped into smaller "turtles" with the both pinkies and thumbs out and circling forward once more.

Francine: Britney Spears is definitely a great role model for the American girl...
Marina, Kelly, and Tamra: ... (Silence and stares)

by WackaWackaYum October 22, 2009

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Awkward Turtle Equals Awkward Babies!

When you get a bit sick of the boring old 'Awkward Turtle'

Used by putting one hand on top of each other and gesturing the thumbs forward (signifying the awkward turtle.) Then take your two hands into fists and bang them together (the erm, baby making) and finally keep your hands in fists but take your thumb and pinky out and move forward (signifying the babies.)

Put it together fast and you get it! :D

Boy: Hey, erm I like you.
Girl: I er, like you too.
*Laughs awkwardly*
Boy: Awkward turtle...!
Girl: Awkward turtle equals awkward babies!

by gilliaanx August 4, 2011

6👍 4👎

Awkward Turtles Babies Die

After making Awkward Turtle and the lovely Awkward Turtle makes Babies, if the awkward moment continues to persist (and refuses to be broken with verbal acknowledgment), the right Awkward Turtle Baby gets carried off by a seagull (signified by your hand shaking and floating up and to the right) and the left Awkward Turtle Baby drowns in the roaring tide of awkwardness (signified by your hand shaking and falling down and to the left). Thus killing the awkward moment in it's entirety.

Creepy guy at work: Hey girl...

Girl: .....*awkward turtle*

Creepy guy at work: You wanna come to a show with me on saturday?

Girl: ......*awkward turtle makes babies*

Creepy guy at work: ..You can bring your boy. I'll pay.

Girl: ............................*Awkward turtles babies die*

by Stiffeh March 10, 2010

27👍 7👎