Source Code

axis scheme


The axis scheme describes another variant of the financial pyramid scam where capital flows upwards...However in contrast to the standard Bussiness form, whereby all revenues are generated almost entirely from membership fees etc. The axis scheme, however, summarizes the centralization concept associated with all forms of economic concerted polities (Socialist states) or a (Corporacy). Where all aspects of society are in their entirety nationalized, the economy, Health care, industry and the social sector (Labour/Human recourse), etc. all functioning for, and inlined with the specific purpose for the generating of capital and material profit to be directed inwards to the center or (axis) of the social circle, the Corporate governance, the economic elite, the (corporacy). In such a scenario, the entire social and economic structure is based exclusively upon the (slave) plantation culture. Whereby the social group at large is devolved from holding citizen statues, to only labor recourse value.

The axis scheme can best describe both Cuban and Chiese society.

by Baron Neville May 14, 2019