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Another word for boobs, breast, tits ect...usually should refere to someone with big, nicely formed breast and not flat-chested chick

John: Dawg, i met this girl last night at the bar and she gave me her number..should i call her up?

Bob: She got nice babalons??

John: Yea, dude of course

Bob: hell yea bro! Call up that beezy

by fenixe June 6, 2009

28👍 6👎


Female Breasts- Boobs

"Woah that girls babalons are huge!"

by brooko March 1, 2017

4👍 2👎


The police, po-pos, the 5-0. whatever you call the fuzz.

1st Person: Shit this is a dope party.
2nd: yeah dawg I hope the babalon don't show up.

by Willfrc February 14, 2007

39👍 18👎


Basically a babalon is a jarring kid tbh they chat the most wass and if people use it on you they most likely like you.

Babalon: shutup you babalon

by Radicko2 March 29, 2020


To be a homosexual and to like to be touched by men

Hey Logan stop being a babalone

by Phillip sacremento October 20, 2019

1👍 1👎