That of which is the poontang of a baby monkey. Used for sexual misconduct.
I want you swet baby monkey poontang!
18๐ 53๐
A person who purposely annoys you and is whiney.
This kid Danny is such a monkey baby I hate him so much
8๐ 2๐
An ugly, ugly woman... Seriously... Beastly
Monkey baby in my derrier.
6๐ 18๐
A disturbing image of an animal with the legs of a chubby baby, the body and arms of a hairy monkey, and the head of a pug. Known to lick people's faces to seduce them into drinking energy drinks.
That puppy monkey baby licked my face so hard I drank an entire case of energy drinks.
19๐ 4๐
A puppy. A monkey. A baby. Made famous during Super Bowl 50.
"Hey, is that a puppy? Or a monkey? Or a baby?"
"I think it's a puppy monkey baby"
7๐ 2๐
Puppy monkey baby is a creature that is one third puppy, one third monkey, and one third baby. Puppy monkey baby first appeared on a Mountain Dew commercial during the 50th Superbowl. While this creature has creeped out, horrified, and generally unsettled a large audience, many find the puppy monkey baby (abbreviated as PMB) very cute, funny, and charming.
Person 1: Did you see that Mountain Dew Commercial?
Person 2: The one with the puppy monkey baby???
Person 1: Yeah! Wasn't it sooo cute?
Person 2: Ew! No!
Person 1: Eh, well, Adina Porter likes it.
20๐ 12๐