When overprotective parents, grandparents or homosexual cousins of players yell demands from the stands, becnhes, or observational area which disrupt the entire game, piss off the coach and tear the conventional moral fabric of sportsmanship.
(Unatheleitc six year old kicks the ball into their own goal)
Overcompetitve masochistic alpha male (father): JESUS F***ING CHRIST JENNY. THIS ISNT F****ING RECESS!!! YOU'RE A COMPLETE FAILURE F**K!
Coach: Jesus, this is just AYSO we're not actually playing soccer!
Stever Irwin: Here we have the primitive backseat coaching father, who never acheived anything significant in life so he takes it out on his seeds.
Bart Simpson has been backseat coaching his kid to play the overload when the rest of the team is doing an umbrella.