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Bag of cheese

This literally means a bag filled with cheese... yes tasty yummy scrumptious delectable cheese

or it could mean a person who is cheese headed

ex 1.

Super market person: So what do you want?

Person at the store: a bag of cheese

ex 2.

Person 1: Hi, did you know flamingoes are.....(random facts).....

Person 2: You're such a bag of cheese!!!!

by NOT Barack Obama January 7, 2010

2👍 2👎

sucks a bag of cheese

Something that really sucks.

"You're paralyzed? Man, that sucks a bag of cheese."

by Ezomz July 19, 2009

2👍 3👎

bag cheese

Same as asscheese except frontal. Can include both the unwashing of the sexual parts after sex, or simply non washing of the area for an extended period of time.

when you scratch or touch down there and its creamy feeling, then you have bag cheese.

by Digitalcanuck June 30, 2006

9👍 2👎