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bag of douche

A clever way of saying douche bag that is commonly used by the comedian Dane Cook. This is much funnier and you will impress your friends with your new slang.

You would say: Karren is a major douche bag.
Dane Cook would say: That Karren is a big bag of douche.

by Nick 6111 May 10, 2006

152๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

bag of douche

A clever way to call someone a douche bag.

Guy 1: Dude that guy is a douche bag.
Guy 2: No better yet he is a bag of douche.

by The Aud Man April 10, 2006

49๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

bag of douche

This is an describing word for someone who looks like he or she should be beat with a hose and thrown in a tank of barracudas. This person usually is wearing a pink popped collared shirt with ripped jeans and big annoying glasses and a knock off of the Livestrong braclets. Besides the clothing they act like they are better than everyone else cause they think they are cool but in reality they suck and everyone hates them even their parents.

Nick is such a bag of douche. He shoudl be shot!

by Da Sak September 8, 2006

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Bag of Douches

A plural amount of douches.

Matthew, the stud muffin, is a BAG OF DOUCHES!

by MaryMack March 14, 2010

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Bag of Douches

A group of guys who act likes feminine butt monkeys. Their lack of decency is astounding. Alone they would be considered a douche bag but collectively they are know as a bag of douches.

While waiting in line to order lunch at Burger King, a Bag of Douches wearing jeans down to with knees and hats on backwards cut in line and was trying to flirt with the checker.

by kingjofus January 11, 2013


A bag containing a unknown vile liquid.

Mark: Hey what the fuck is that?
You: Oh thats some bag-a-douche i filled from my dick.
Mark: Oh...ok.

by doo-language May 3, 2009

Bag of Douche

Similar reference to douchebag, but said when the speaker desires to get a laugh.

Nick: Look, guys! I can bench 200 pounds twenty times!

Alex: Nick, you're being a bag of douche.

by dudebro15 August 12, 2009

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