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bake cakes

The act of an unmarried man playing house with a female.

I heard Garys datin chickenhead Lawanda.

Yea i told him to just hit and run but he wanna bake cakes with the bitch

by Crackface July 1, 2007

9๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baked Cake

A fat ass that has been smacked to a red hot perfection.

"Damn Daniel, she had baked cake after I was done with her last night!"

by Ash Catchnun September 20, 2016

Baking Cake

In layman's terms, a colloquialism for sex (Eg. Getting Booty).

Thad: Hey I thought you were gonna be over to watch the game this after noon.
Tiberious: Sorry my man. Ms. Champagne and i got side tracked.
Thad: Baking cake I presume?
Tiberious: Only the finest.

by Negronomics February 7, 2015

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

bake a cake

To kill or murder used in the south especially by bloods

If that snitch come around here ima bake a cake for that nigga.

by Suicide123987 December 21, 2009

156๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

bake a cake

sexual intercourse

Lets bake a cake before everyone starts showing up to the party

by tomcon5 March 1, 2009

186๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

baking a cake

It's the same thing as cup caking, just worded differently.

Spending a lot of time with a certain someone.

Usually referred towards guys with a certain someone.

"Is ____ coming out tonight?"
"No, he's at home baking a cake with his woman."

Cup caking

by Metcalfe's Common Word! May 18, 2009

48๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baking a cake

When you tell a story and you add too many unnecessary details and it becomes boring.

You-Telling an unnecessarily long, boring story about what you did at the weekend.

Friend-You are baking a cake!

by Kdoug88 October 17, 2018

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