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ball cancered

Function: adjective

1. being under the influence of marijuana.

this is so named because of a recent study that has shown a supposed causal link between smoking marijuana and certain aggressive strains of testicular cancer.

Dude, we got some really kind bud last weekend. I was so ball cancered out of my mind.

by flatcurve February 16, 2009

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Lithuanian ball cancer

This is a syndrome when a person develops ball cancer from a beagle hound. It consists of many downsides such as ejaculating green substances, Dame Tu Cosita man coming out of your booty hole and Ugnius Makarovas shitting his pants.

Bro I have developed massive Lithuanian ball cancer. Because of this, Dame Tu Cosita man raped my mother.

by Green Testicles January 15, 2022

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I have ball cancer

i have ball cancer

i have ball cancer

by donkey nuts yum balls February 8, 2022

temporary ball cancer (tbc)

The unpleasant sensation of a dull ache or pain in the scrotum that usually lasts no longer than a few minutes

Jay- My balls are killing me, bad case of TBC right there.

Bob- TBC?

Jay- Temporary ball cancer (tbc) ya mook.

by Lloyding April 5, 2014

big black cancerous balls

Cancer in the male organs that make male hormones and sperm (testicles).
The testicles are located inside a loose bag of skin (scrotum) underneath the penis.
Symptoms include a lump in either testicle and a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum.
Treatments include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

Hey Stephanie just told me she has big black cancerous balls

by I like children 123 May 10, 2023

inverted testicular ball cancer

ur testicular ball dies just die

my friend tummy has inverted testicular ball cancer

by ONIOINKMSBSVBSBAQ December 22, 2023

Ball cancer

Testicular cancer.. that’s all.

Bob: hey bro guess what
David: what?
Bob: I have ball cancer
David: damn bro that sucks

by I made this for a joke lmao October 28, 2021