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ballbuster cocktail

So what? Your horny? We have the perfect cocktail for you. The ballbuster

First things first open your Altoid’s box your grandpa gave you on your 13th birthday. Remember how that first altoid made you forget you ate it? That’s because those are mickys. So to be careful start by just poring that whole box in a cup let’s make this a drink so good you forgot you ever had it and what kind of man might just take you home tonight. Let’s make it fun!

Take 5 shots of Tequila

2 shots of vodka

1 shot of cum donated or pasture raised.

2 shots of vanilla extract

1 shot Covid 19 vaccine

3 ice cubes

Shake until your arm hurts

Then use other hand until it hurts

Slam that shit. Have fun. Stay safe.

Hey man you remember last night. No but my balls were busted when I woke up! Ballbusted!! You had the ballbuster cocktail last night! It really works. I can’t wait to have one at my moms funeral tonight.

by Bonkedintheheadasachild December 15, 2024