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Bar Joke

A Bar Joke is a very generic joke (if not the most generic joke ever), sometimes it is a real joke but other times is used as a way to exemplify a joke "do you know the joke of a man that walked into a bar?"

Most of the time, this kind of joke start with a "X walks into a bar...", where X can be a a single person,a animal,or a group of persons.

X can also be classified in different kind :
religious : a Muslim, a Rabin and a catholic
racist :a Indian, a black man, a Asian.
xenophobe :a german, british, american, irish, italian.
dirt joke (not for kids) :a gay, a parrot(*).
zoo :a kangaroo, a penguin, a bear, a elephant (see joke 1)

(*) there is a 99% chance that a joke that involve a parrot in a bar is a for-adults-only joke.

1) Bar Joke 1:
A kangaroo walks into a bar and orders a martini, drinks it and pulls out a five dollar bill to pay for it. The bartender picks up the dough, gives him his change...and charges the kangaroo $1.50 for the martini.

“Then as the kangaroo’s leaving, the bartender tells me he’s never seen a kangaroo in his bar before.

“No,” says the kangaroo, “and at these prices you never will again!”

2)Bar Joke 2:
Ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a drink. Bartender refuses: “Sorry, we don’t serve food here.”

3)Bar Joke 3:
A neutron walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender sets the beer down and says, "For you, no charge!"

by magallanes September 3, 2010

16👍 2👎

penguin bar joke

adjective: used to describe a really bad punny joke

inspired by a chocolate bar called 'penguin bars' that have jokes and puns about penguins on their wrapper to amuse kids.

hey joe what do you call a kangaroo mixed with a sheep?

eh.. dunno what do you call it?

a WOOLLY JUMPER!!! hahaha

wow dude that was such a gay ass penguin bar joke. *walks away in disgust*

by mwuah xx March 6, 2009

9👍 7👎