Singapore’s beloved problem-solving aphrodisiac, which can generate and induce mathematical desire in oft-unmotivated or math-anxious students, teachers, and parents—a brain-friendly means to instilling motivation and passion in them to becoming a confident problem solver.
Thanks to the bar model method, millions of homeschoolers outside the “fine” city with the death penalty could testify to the aha! moments they’d experienced time and time again, compared to their peers who’re too shy to experiment with the visualization strategy.
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Singapore’s beloved or narcotized visualization problem-solving strategy that allows word problems set in upper grades to be solved without algebra in lower grades, by using part-whole or comparison models in the form of bars or rectangles.
The bar model method is so addictive that an unhealthy number of Singapore math students in middle school, who are expected to use algebra to solve challenging math questions, couldn’t be weaned from it.
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A problem-solving visualization heuristic that is the heart of the Singapore math curriculum, whose copyright is being contested by both China and Russia (or even Japan), because they claimed that the “look-see” methodology used to solve challenging word problems in elementary grades originated from them.
In the aftermath of the Singapore’s claim that they and the Canadian songwriter Hugh Harrison own the copyright to the “Count on Me, Singapore” song rather than the Indian composer Joseph Mendoza, China and Russia now want Singapore to compensate them for “plagiarizing” the bar model method for over three decades—unprovenly, it’s their tit-for-tat message to high-GDP Singapore for not approving their home-made, half-baked vaccines.
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When a math educator is hell-bent to depicting an idiot-proof version of Singapore’s bar model method as a non-algebraic solution to a word problem to impress upon teachers and writers that most of their clumsily or amateurishly constructed bar models often confuse rather than enlighten their green audiences.
Singapore math writers ought to mindfully and elegantly incorporate bar modeling in their solutions to brain-unfriendly math questions if they are dead serious in marketing the intuitive problem-solving visualization strategy to skeptical math teachers overseas—they need to creatively evangelize the “bar modeling made ridiculously simple” gospel far and wide to win over new converts.
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When incorporating Singapore’s bar model method—the problem-solving visualization strategy to tackle word problems—at the elementary school level and its aim to develop students’ pre-algebraic thinking skills (before they are introduced to formal algebra) are not often partially achievable or necessarily correlated in practice.
Wallet-friendly Singapore math textbooks, workbooks, and teachers’ resources on their own doesn’t guarantee problem-solving mastery—bar-modeling orthogonality seems to be a constant in many traditional American classrooms, often because of teachers’ or parents’ faux perception that a foreign math curriculum or publication is harder (or even inferior) than their local inch-deep-mile-wide one.
The mathematical equivalent of a child riding a tricycle before switching to a bicycle, or using a float while learning to swim—using bar diagrams instead of forming algebraic equations to solve word problems.
Bar modeling, which is the heart and soul of the Singapore math curriculum, acts a bridge between elementary (or primary) math and middle school (or secondary) math—where concrete rectangles or bars are used instead of abstract variables for unknown quantities.
When mathepreneurs see a multi-million dollar business opportunity to provide both resources and training for tens of thousands of seniors who are eager to learn about the “bar model method”—the heart of the Singapore elementary math curriculum—in order to connect and engage with their grandchildren’s and godchildren’s math education.
Publishers and vocational training centers have been pretty slow at taking advantage of the untapped source of revenue offered by the silver bar modeling industry, especially when more seniors are enjoying a longer lifespan in fast-greying Singapore.
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