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someone who won't let you touch their phone as if their life depended on it, cursing is part of her nature, middle finger favourite finger, fcking hypocritical AHAHAHAHA, loves stationary (especially aesthetic ones, as if)

"oh look its bawang, should we stay away?"
"nah let's just kill ourselves"

by dominos order for two October 5, 2019

2👍 3👎

makcik bawang

Low class aunties who know nothing but act like they knew eveything.Not just wasting time by talking about others,they also dont realise that they are worse than everyone else in their gossips. Also ugly inside out huhu

Those makcik bawang are ugly inside out nd everybody knew it

by Hogh educated Nigga March 21, 2018

52👍 3👎

makcik bawang

They are women who likes to spread lies and gossips. You can never defeat them in a talking battle. Also, they usually gossip in the kitchen while chopping onions. Hence, the word "bawang".

"Look at that group of makcik bawang. Wonder who they're gossiping about today"

by hatchingoctopus May 12, 2020

askar bawang

1. An army of onions. 2. Malaysian Cybertroopers. 3. Malaysian Netizen. 4. Malaysian care citizen.

Askar Bawang is the most powerfull cybertroopers from Malaysia.

by Rejimen Askar Bawang Malaysia March 18, 2019

Bawang Ranger

Malaysian calling of peoples who active on Social Media commenting and replying viral article, video or profile. Bawang in English is called Onion which sounds almost similar like Union shows the unity of social media use to work together without knowing each other.

Bawang ranger serang!!

by bawang ranger May 16, 2021


Of a style pertaining to a specific area of Indonesia, and it's culinary offer. Also, of garlic, particularly garlic from Indonesian/Malaysian area as part of local indigenous cooking. Also, exposing something for being false because you can smell it, potent like garlic. i.e bawangness

I knew it wasn't true because he was known for his bawangness

by Nestori April 4, 2018

Makcik bawang

Makcik= aunt Bawang=onion
This population is usually found in Malaysia.They like to spread hot news about other people. Loves to gossiping, slandering, criticizing either on social media or anywhere with their friends.aunty aunty most favorite hobby.busy body!!!!!

Example in malay:
Makcik bawang 1:Kau tau si Fatin tu dah ada 13 ex...tambah dengan Shaf tu haaa...
Makcik bawang2: Dia memang playgirl! Laki aku pun sampai tergila-gilakan dia.

Example in english:
Makcik bawang1:did you know?her husband divorced her just because her fart sounded like a car engine.
Makcik bawang 2:alaaa! not only that but she is also actually crazy about money. Look at her rich husband...waa so handsome but yeah...

by Jigangggg MENG UWU December 1, 2021