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A Mexican

Person 1 : Dam did you see that Beaner jump the fence!!!

Person 2 : Not his first time dam beaners

by MexicanManFromCO October 12, 2022

314πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


Something this Cracker keeps calling me.

Ex) person 1 :"Why is Andrew such a beaner?"
person 2 : "Fuck if i know, looks Mexican"

by thishandlealreadytaken July 11, 2019

1177πŸ‘ 359πŸ‘Ž


4'11 Hispanic man. Preferably with the signature white T shirt and paint stained blue jeans.

Look at that beaner outside the 7 eleven

by Pigeon May 20, 2015

600πŸ‘ 209πŸ‘Ž


A disease that turns your skin brown, stuns your growth, gives you the sudden urge to hop fences, you become addicted to beans and stealing cars from white people. Beaneritis will also lead to not showering and watching Spanish soap operas.

Austin Powers: Doctor, Why did my skin turn brown? I woke up this morning and i felt like mowing my neighbors lawn for $1, whats happening to me?
Doctor: Well it seems that you have a condition known as Beaneritis.
Austin Powers: NO!!!

by SmokethatGreen March 5, 2009

97πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


The saying of a mexican person, mostly used when insulting a person or saying wassup to a homie, brother, or any person of significance

Mexican #1: Yo wassup g
Mexican #2: Wassup my beaner

by BigPapiJ January 10, 2022

193πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


Word used to describe people of Hispanic decent, almost like the Hispanic n-word

Them beaners are everywhere now, Donald needs to build that wall.

by ElTakuacheCuh69 December 1, 2019

143πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


In Spanish, frijolero, just a Mexican (Someone from Mexico)! Not necessarily an immigrant!
No me llames frijolero,
Pinche gringo puΓ±etero.

Beaners are hot. I want one!

by James December 22, 2003

6839πŸ‘ 3818πŸ‘Ž