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Gives beastman aids to every good boy and girl today

I've got aids ! Beastman aids !

by Crowbar October 9, 2003

71๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mythilogical half-man half-beast creature. Commonly found in the wilderness, but rarely ever spotted. Few accounts of female and male victims stated, that this creature is tall, slim but strong. Partially covered in hair. These victims were found by local town's people, sexually assaulted and physically beaten. There has been two reported cases where people have been found murdered. Beastman has often been used as a deterrent to underage sex, see the example below. Beastman is currently wanted by serveral law enforcements and considered extremely dangerous.
The worst case scenario reported appeared that one of the murdered victim's anus region was stretched approximately 20 cm in diameter (About the size of a small tree trunk). This caused the victims pelvis to be internally ripped apart, also crushing the spinal chord. Pathologists have reason to believe this was not done by any instrument but the actual creature's sexual limb, as alot of semen was found. Most cases of the 'Beastman's revenge' causes the jaw bone to be shattered, as it is violently raped.

"Dont go sleeping with boys or the beastman will get you"

by MikeR0959 May 25, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used in the song Skeletor Vs Beastman by CKY

Hairy person "I have aids...hmmm...beastman aids"

by Nocheesetonight October 6, 2006

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In He-Man and the Masters of the universe, one of Skeletor's evil henchmen. He has the power over wild beasts.

"What was that Beastman?"

by Overlord of Evil June 6, 2004

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man or animal that has fur growing in odd places

that thing is what we call a beastman

by jenfoldsfive September 25, 2003

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Odd fellow who is very hairy and flirts with girls, he wants to trick them (get them to shave his back, man thats a hard position to shave!).

Man, that beast man needs to stop blastcocking people so much!

by PoopEFace September 25, 2003

3๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beastman Aids

A disease contracted by having anal sex with Beastman from the He-Mann series.

I've got Aids. Beastman Aids, and I'll spread it into every good boy and girl today.

by Sodomech January 23, 2004

120๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž