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beat the chicken

1. stroke the snake

2. kiss the squiss

3. choke the chicken

4. spank the monkey

5. jacking off

6. mastrubation

all of a sudden , he pulled down his pants went to the shower and started to beat the chicken!

by mrham4444 April 10, 2014

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

beating chicken heart

This is like the Gonzo and Fruitbowl
Step1) grab your scrotum,but be careful to allow your testicles to still hang freely to the ground.
Step2) ask someone if they want to see a beating chicken heart
Step3) when you have a victim willing to see, show him your sack while squeezing your scrotum in a pulsating rhythm to make it appear to be beating

no need for an example....

by Papawood December 9, 2003

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

beating your chicken


β€œwere you beating your chicken to my nudes? lol”

by greasygolffish July 1, 2018