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beautiful babies

As used in the movie "Swingers", a reference to attractive females likely to be at a party.

"There are going to be so many beautiful babies at this party Johnny!"

by young rich February 28, 2016

2👍 1👎

Beautiful baby girl princess

This is the term used to describe the most wonderful and amazing girl im the word. She is intelligent, sweet, absolutely amazing, understanding, beautiful, her name is Crystal Sue Barnes(will be Sizemore), she is the ruler of my world and she is mine all mine. I love her with all I am and will do anything for her. Her smile is something I live for and her laugh is adorable. Her eyes are my dream and my labyrinth and her kiss is my drug. I cannot get enough of her, she is my true love and soul mate and I love her so very dearly.

Dude: Hey man, who is that girl over there? She is pretty.

Aaron: That is my beautiful baby girl princess. She is more than pretty there bub, and she is mine.

by MyPrincesslover July 16, 2012

9👍 6👎

Make a beautiful baby

This is the day to make babies, such as on 18th of May! All women will go through birth.

Person 1: Why do you have a baby in your hand?
Person 2: I just experienced birth... it's Make a beautiful baby day.

by Llalapebd November 9, 2021