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Have you ever been so far as to even pretend to even want to go to do more like

A sentence used to frighten your 9th grade English teacher, eventually inducing a massive seizure. This sentence is best used on English teachers who are just starting to teach English because it lets them know exactly how retarded his or her students are right from the get go.

“Dude I’m gonna hit the new English teacher with the Have you ever been so far as to even pretend to even want to go to do more like.
Friend: “Dude be careful, remember what happened last time to the last teacher.”
“Dude don’t worry it will be hilarious.”

by lukedanc July 20, 2019

12👍 4👎

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

A reply to a thread on 4chan's /v/ board about the Wii game The Conduit. Due to it's complete and utter lack of coherence, and therefore high comedic potential, /v/irgins jumped on it and began to spread it across the rest of 4chan and Youtube. Extensive research has ended with this meaning (from knowyourmeme.com):


“Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


“Has anyone really decided as to even go that far in wanting to do to look more like so?”


“Has any video game company really taken such measure to make a game so realistic?"

by lawngiant July 14, 2009

1618👍 123👎

been this far

Phrase used mostly by men to express that one has never felt a certain degree of intimacy with another person, in reference to what they are feeling now for someone.

Bro: Man, I've never been this far
Bro 2: Damn, you must really like the girl

by MyNiggah July 8, 2014