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belly stinker

A young or middle-aged person from India, or of Indian origin, with a potbelly acquired due to a carbohydrate-rich diet, sedentary lifestyle choices, and hereditary medical issues such as Type-2 diabetes.

When these people invade Western nations, mostly because they're now affluent like the Chinese and can afford to travel wherever they want.

Belly stinkers, as the moniker goes, stink up beaches, nightclubs, and other popular tourist spots. Getting into an argument with one will ruin your day. If you're a white person, you shouldn't confront them as you will be outnumbered and outstenched by that foul putrid smell from Indian potbellies

While many Westerners may also have potbellies nowadays thanks to shitty diets from sources like McDonald's , Indian belly stinkers double that stench making them near unsufferable.

"Let's ask out that hot Indian girl,Indhumati. Nice name!'

"Seriously, bro. Have you seen her clan that has moved into our neighborhood. A whole bunch of belly stinkers with filthy toilet hygiene. I heard that problem is hereditary."

"Can't believe we're in Cote d'Azur, France. Where the fuck did all these belly stinkers come from? When did they get so rich?

"I'm flying London-Heathriw to New York. Should I book British Airways?"
"Nooooo....I wouldn't. That British Airways route is a real death wish if you're white. Always an army full of belly stinkers. You wouldn't survive the flight. Tell you what, just reroute from Barcelona, Spain, or something. Far less belly stinkers there. But it may have changed. You can never be too sure..

"Belly stinkers taking over planet Earth. White people will be their slaves. Curry domination is real."

by Third World Sam February 12, 2025