Source Code


1. When someone is really really mad/when someone is acting excessively or unnecessarily mad.

Dude 1: Holy shit bro did you see Frank punch John in the face after he stole his backpack?
Dude 2: Yeah dude that was crazy. Frank was bended.
Dude 1: Yeah I don't even know why he got that mad.

by zorowen December 1, 2020


Bending the rules.NOT breaking but bending them.

LittleSkit: you told me you would tell me and the rules say you have to tell me.

ItsGoingOn:so what i bended the rules.

by Shawn June 11, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

the bends

N. Decompression sickness, caused when a diver moves from a high-pressure environment to one of low pressure too rapidly, causing bubbles to form in their bloodstream as gases in pressurized, liquid form quickly revert to their natural state. Symptoms include: blotchy rashes, coughing spasms, dizziness, unconsciousness, and a bizarre inability to bend joints (hence, the phrase the bends).

Hours after the inexperienced diver rocketed from 200 feet to the surface of the ocean, he felt ill and discovered he was suffering from the bends.

by Lo September 2, 2004

364๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place where you will find yuppies and rednecks constantly fighting over nothing. If you are not careful, you might end up homeless while playing Musical Houses.

EXCEPT YOU Bend, Oregon. Filthy gutter trash.

by Namastekooks November 20, 2019

58๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A shallow, jobless, culturally bereft town in the middle of Oregon that likes to think of itself as otherwise. Most of its citizens are obsessed with the personal images associated with "organic," "active," "outdoors," and especially "local", which is ironic because most of them aren't from around here. In truth, most Bendites are a bunch of delusional, isolationist yuppies who have no concept of themselves or of the real world around them thanks to the veneer of bullshit with which they surround themselves.

If I have to listen to one more person from Bend drone on about their forced "active" lifestyle, I'm going to shove their mountainbike, skis, snowboard, or running shoes directly up their pretentious, local ass.

by A REAL Oregonian June 7, 2010

1050๐Ÿ‘ 325๐Ÿ‘Ž

the bends

i just want to say that #3 on the definition list is wrong.
Radiohead did not use 'the bends' as a metaphor for drugs - it was (quite an obvious, i thought) metaphor for their fast rise to the top and how it drove them crazy that everyone suddenly loved them for this one song and their frustration i guess at fake people who just wanted to be with them for their fame.

This is also implied in the EP My Iron Lung (Iron Lung being a metaphor for the song "Creep" incase you didn't catch that).

Where do we go from here?
The words are coming out all weird
Where are you now when I need you?

And who are my real friends?
Have they all got the bends?

by souvie hut February 12, 2009

363๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

the bends

1. the most badass radiohead CD ever created. its was their second and best

the bends kicks fucking ass

by matt August 6, 2004

549๐Ÿ‘ 207๐Ÿ‘Ž